Office Phone System

The Walla Walla NWMLS office phone is 509-876-8323.
The Walla Walla Valley Association of Realtors® phone is 509-525-0934.

Both these numbers ring your phone.

The NWMLS main phone number is 425-820-9200. When you are signed into the Call Center queue, callers will ring through to your desk. When you place calls, this is the number that will display for the person you’re calling.

The phone system is located in Kirkland, so you need to add 1-509, even for local Walla Walla calls.

All callers wo reach your desk will hear a greeting saying they’re calling the Walla Walla NWMLS office – whether they are calling NWMLS or WWVAR. Then they’ll ring through to you. So you can simply answer with your name.

You need to be signed into both the 8×8 app [for making calls] and the 8×8 website’s VCC screen [for receiving and transferring incoming calls.] If you’re not marked available in VCC, your phone will not ring – you’ll just get voice mails (delivered to your email as audio attachments.)

Optionally you can be signed into the 8×8 VCC app as available, so you receive calls aimed at you (WWVAR or NWMLS Walla Walla office) but not be in the Call Center queue. The details of when to drop out of the call center queue, you’ll need to work out with Wendy Lawson.