National Association of REALTORS® Safety Resources
Top 5 Safety Action Items for REALTORS®; Tips and Best Practices; Videos, Webinars, Articles; REALTOR® Safety Network; and more!
Safety & Alerts
The safety of our members and all real estate professionals is of the utmost importance. As restrictions around open houses and in-person meetings with new clients are lifting, it’s important to keep your safety in mind.
See the latest alerts to stay informed about issues of concern in our region.
Report a potential safety issue or suspicious activity to NWMLS.
National Association of REALTORS® Safety Program
The goal of the REALTOR® Safety Program is to reduce the number of safety incidents that occur in the industry, so every REALTOR® comes home safely to his or her family every night. We will accomplish this goal together with our members by improving the Safety Culture in the industry: Talk about safety; create a safety plan and follow it; and encourage your fellow REALTORS® to do the same.
NAR REALTOR® Safety Program Resources
1. Plan Your Safety Strategy
2. Tips and Best Practices
3. Training Videos
4. Webinars
5. Articles
6. Personal Protection Resources
7. Take the REALTOR® Safety Pledge