How the monthly board meeting works
How the monthly board meeting works Board meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at 9:00. A week before the meeting, send out the previous meeting’s minutes and the agenda as attachments to an Outlook invitation to all board members. Schedule an Executive Committee meeting for the Friday before, inviting the president, past-president, president-elect, […]
Awards Dinner and Installation
Awards Dinner and Installation The awards and installation event takes place in January. The incoming president plans the event together with the AE. In some years they’ve chosen a theme (2023 was “Roaring 20s.”) In the past it has been held at wineries or at the Walla Walla Country Club. (But since the event is […]
Annual Calendar
Annual Life Cycle of the Association of Realtors January Installation and Awards Banquet. Hill Day: Send officers to RPAC event in Olympia. Optionally the AE may attend too. January 31: State tax return due. February Make hotel and travel reservations to attend AEI. March Association Executives Institute March 12-15 in San Diego Make travel arrangements […]