How the monthly board meeting works
Board meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at 9:00.
A week before the meeting, send out the previous meeting’s minutes and the agenda as attachments to an Outlook invitation to all board members.
Schedule an Executive Committee meeting for the Friday before, inviting the president, past-president, president-elect, and treasurer. Review the minutes from last month and agenda for the coming meeting, and anything else they want to discuss.
On the morning of the meeting, make coffee.
Print the minutes from last month and the agenda for this month (11 copies should cover everyone) and distribute on the boardroom table.
If you haven’t already given the Membership chair the list of member adds/drops for the preceding month, then give it to them now. If they want, print 11 copies and give everybody one.
Work with the Treasurer to define what information you need to give her before the meeting, or to help her look up info herself.
Bring a laptop to the meeting. Open the agenda and save it as meeting minutes. Update it as the meeting goes on.
The association executive isn’t a voting member and can’t make motions.
After the meeting, clean up the minutes doc and save it.