Daily Open and Close Process in Rapattoni
- Sales > Batch > Create button
- Date: special format (e.g. OD01WW)
- Desc: Day of week, Walla Walla
- Password WW
- Billing Group WALA
- Begin & end dates are today\
- Print/Email receipts: Y
- Tax rate code 59 (Walla Walla)
- Merch number 9999
- Print the daily deposit
- Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Reports – Receipts > Print Deposit Ticket
- Batch ID: F5, clear all selections
- Input today’s batch
- Today’s date all 3 fields
- Create Report
- Print to PDF (name the file after its batch ID) and save in your Z: drive.
- Close the batch
- Choose batch, then ctrl+M
- C for Close and put total sales in Receipt Control
Weekly on Monday
Email all batch file PDFs to NWMLS Accounts Payable.
If anyone has paid by cash or check
There is an NWMLS check endorsement stamp in the desk drawer.
There is an NWMLS deposit slip book in the cash box. Deposit the check or cash at US Bank on Alder Street.